Transit of Venus, June 8, 2004

Images from Hila

Startracker - Astrophotography at Hila

Campers interested in astronomy, assist us in capturing space images on film.

These images were captured using a Nikon FG Camera with 50 mm, f 1.8 lense and Kodak Gold 1000 film. Exposures ranged from 1 to 2 minutes.

North America Nebula - This image shows a huge cloud of hydrogen located 3500 light years from earth. The red glow is typical of hydrogen emission.

Blackhole - This image shows an area in our galaxy where a black hole may be located. Named Cygnus X-1 it was discovered when astronomers noticed X-rays coming from this area. Tom Bolton, a Canadian astronomer, confirmed the presence of a star orbiting some unseen companion every 5.6 days.

Planets - This image shows Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune against the stars in midsummer of 1997.

Sagittarius - This image shows the rich star fields in the area around Sagittarius. There are many interesting objects in this area including star clusters and huge fields of glowing hydrogen gas. Objects visible include M8 (Lagoon Nebula), M20 (Trifid Nebula), M17 (Swan of Omega Nebula) and M22 a globular star cluster. The glow from nebula is caused by the strong ultraviolet radiation from young, hot stars. Also visible (if you look closely) are the hydro lines in front of the camp.

Ursa Major - The Big Dipper

Comet Hale-Bopp, April 1997 - 1997's comet, photo by Wayne Campbell

Video Capture Images

These images (Click here) were captured using an Astrovid video camera connected to our 8", Bausch & Lomb, Schmidt Cassegrain, telescope. The camera is a black & white, high resolution, .03 lux video camera. The images were digitized using a video capture board on a PC. Some images were captured directly from the camera, others from video tape after a viewing session.
