
Video: Orchids Among Us
Based on this original work:

Orchids Seize Taisugar

Orchid Bees
Hila Orchid Bee Video 

The Orchid in the video is indigenous to the area around  Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
If you are visiting Puerto Vallarta and would like to meet people knowledgeable
about Orchids indigenous to the area, contact JR  here:


Our friend Sarah captured images of a female Orchid Bee visiting flowers at her home in Vallarta.
I believe this bee is female because of the visible, filled pollen baskets on her legs.

Sarah and Rick operate a rare-plant nursery in Puerto Vallarta - Xplanta.com.
Home page of the Vallarta Orchid Society
Puerto Vallarta Botanical Gardens

Orchid Links

Amazing Orchid Bee Fossil in Amber

Orchid Bees Wikipedia

Mexican Orchid - Mormodes badia

Orchid Bee Research

Darwin's Letters

Darwin on the fertilization of Orchids.

Orchid Bee Video on TeacherTube