Using the Inclinometer


To determine the height of our barn I moved back 10 meters from the end of the barn.

10 meters represents the baseline for this measurement.

Use a measuring tape to accurately measure the baseline and record the number in your notes.


I have aligned the sights of the inclinometer on the peak of the barn roof.

The image below shows the alignment of the sights.


The angle indicated by the inclinometer is 38 degrees.

Record this angle.

In the above image "OS" represents the offset.

This distance is not included in our triangle and we must determine it.

Determine the offset by setting the inclinometer to "0" degrees.

Note where the sites point to on the object, in this case on the barn

The yellow dot indicates the spot that the sights aligned with.

The offset "OS" in the above image, is the distance from the ground to the sight spot.

Measure the distance from the ground to the offset spot.

For this barn the offset is 1.52 meters.

The Final Calculation