Hila Research Centre Computer Programming - 3 Doing Math in Qbasic: Try this: PRINT 8 + 12 Qbasic handles all math functions, be careful with the order you do things in. PRINT (134 + 589)/45 Variables: Variables are a very important and powerful part of programming. A variable is a word or letter that represents a place where Qbasic keeps some information for you. Try this: a = 1 PRINT a When you typed in "a = 1", Qbasic stored the number 1 in memory and you told it to call this place "a" ( "a" is the variable). When you typed in "PRINT a", your computer displayed the number that was stored at "a" and this was the number 1. Input: This is a very handy command that allows the computer user to store numbers or words as variables. Try this. INPUT "Enter a number",n INPUT "Enter a number",x CLS PRINT "The first number is";n PRINT "The second number is";x The program stores any number you enter as the variables "n" and "x".