Renfrew County Catholic District School Board
Professional Activity Day - May 9

SMARTboards and the Internet
Carol and Wayne Campbell

Support documents, videos and activities:

Smart Board Astronomy Activities

1 - Constellations
From the SMARTboard select a constellation,  use the SMARTboard pen to join the stars representing the constellation.
Select "details" to see the pattern.  Click the "restore" tool to compare results.  Use "Return" bottom left to exit.

2 - Ursa Major
The Big Dipper is visible all year from Renfrew County.   Click on the screen to move through seasonal views of  this constellation.
Use the SMARTboard pen to show the "pointer" stars of Ursa Major pointing at Polaris, the North Star.
Use the pen to outline  the Big Dipper, Little Dipper,  Cassiopeia and Polaris (the North Star)  Use "Return" bottom left to exit.

3 - Find a Galaxy
The Andromeda Galaxy is located 2.9 million light years from earth.  It is possible to see this deep space object with binoculars if  you know where to look.  Click "next" to find Cassiopeia and follow the "pointer stars" to Andromeda.  

4 - Picasa is a free image application from Google.  A simple but powerful program that allows the user to create slideshow websites.  A great way to share images used in lessons.

5 - TeacherTube is a new video site, similar to YouTube, but designed for  teachers.  The site attempts to rate and filter content.